Easy and Effective Minimalist Cleaning Routine

Housekeeper in a Perth home fluffing a pillow

Cleaning is my passion and I want everyone to know how calming and relaxing it is to have a clean, organised house.

But I know how hard that can be when you’re trying to take care of a family, pets, kids, and a career.

A minimalist cleaning routine can help you enjoy the benefits of a clean house without feeling so overwhelmed.

I’ve put together a list of the tips I’ve found most helpful in creating an easy house cleaning routine.

Key takeaways

  • Declutter – Less items on floors and countertops mean easier cleaning
  • Break cleaning duties into daily, weekly, and monthly tasks, and keep a visual chart to reference
  • For an easy cleaning routine, do these 5 simple steps every day: Sweep or vacuum the floors, take out the garbage, wipe down countertops, the stovetop, sink, and dining room tables, do the dishes, and wipe bathroom surfaces
  • Focus on high traffic areas such as bathrooms and kitchens
  • There are a range of high-tech cleaning gadgets and helpful tools that can make it easier for individuals with limited mobility or sensory issues to keep their house clean
  • A professional housekeeper can handle all your cleaning needs or deep cleaning needs so you can focus on other areas of your life

7 Tips for a Simple and Effective Minimalist Cleaning Routine

1. Declutter

Here’s my golden rule for an easy cleaning routine: Declutter! 

A minimalist cleaning routine means minimal items to work around. A house without boxes, toys, and decorations scattered all over makes it easier to mop, vacuum, dust, and clean.

Try to keep floors clear of extra items, keep clutter off of countertops, and have toy bins your kids can easily toss their toys back into when they are done playing.

2. Sweep or Vacuum Daily

Sweeping or vacuuming daily takes just minutes but keeps floors clean and prevents dirt and debris from building up.

I also have a rule that cuts down on the amount of sweeping I need to do: shoes off at the door.

This decreases the amount of dirt that gets tracked in the home and helps protect my floor from scratches and damage.

Removing shoes at the door also reduces the amount of pathogens and contaminants that get tracked into a home!

3. Do a Weekly Mop

Cleaning tile floors with a mop

If you sweep or vacuum daily and keep your floors clear of clutter, it should be easy to do a quick mop once a week. Mopping picks up little particles of dust that may have been missed and helps floors shine.

Learn More: Housekeeper Hacks – Tips from a Professional Cleaner

4. Find a Laundry Schedule that Works for Your Family

I’ve learned from working with my clients that there is a common cleaning task many people dread: Laundry!

If you have a big family, laundry can seem never ending.

Instead of letting it build up until I have 7 or 8 loads to tackle at once, I always do one or two loads at a time. This prevents laundry from turning into a marathon washing and folding session that takes up half a day.

Of course, your laundry schedule will depend on the size of your family. For some households, doing a couple of loads a week will be enough. For families with active kiddos, you’ll probably do at least one load a day.

I also find that kids are great helpers when it comes to laundry and they enjoy the independence that comes from putting their clothes away. You can let them sort and fold their clothes, or do the sorting and folding for them and give them their pile to put away in their drawers and closets.

Along with tackling laundry in small chunks rather than marathon sessions, my other tip for laundry is folding it in front of the TV.

I toss clothes right out of the dryer into a basket, bring them to my living room, and fold them while watching TV.

5. Clean the Kitchen for a Few Minutes Every Day

Pristine Housekeeper in a Perth home wearing a pink shirt for Cleaning for a Cause

The kitchen sees wear and tear every single day. So it makes sense that spending a few minutes cleaning the kitchen every day is a key part of a minimalist cleaning routine.

Here are the cleaning tasks I do every day in my kitchen:

  • Do the dishes
  • Take out the garbage, if needed
  • Sweep the floor
  • Wipe down counters and make sure they are clear of clutter
  • Wipe down the sink, stove, dining room table, and microwave

Learn More: The Kitchen Surfaces You Should Clean Everyday

6. Give Bathrooms a Quick Clean Every Day

The bathroom is another room that needs daily attention. Here’s what I do daily to keep my bathroom clean:

  • Sweep or vacuum the floor
  • Wipe down counters
  • Wipe down the shower
  • Take out the garbage if needed

Learn More: 12 Amazing Tips for Cleaning Your Bathroom

7. Dust Regularly

Dusting is an important part of a clean home. But dusting also helps keep your home healthier.

With the proper techniques and tools, dusting can cut down on the amount of allergens in your home.

I skip dusting sprays and feather dusters and use microfibre cloths instead. I like to use a simple mix of warm water and vinegar on a microfibre cloth for an effective, healthy dusting technique.

Learn More: Why Regular Dusting Is Key to a Clean and Inviting Home

Easy Cleaning Routine Example Schedule

Below, I have broken down tasks into an easy cleaning routine with only 5 daily steps and 5 weekly steps. I’ve also included a few monthly steps that will keep your house looking great.

Frequency Tasks
  • Sweep or vacuum the floors
  • Do the dishes
  • Take out the garbage
  • Wipe the stovetop, kitchen sink, countertops, and dining room table
  • Wipe down the bathroom sink and surfaces
  • Mop the floors
  • Do laundry as needed
  • Clean the bathroom mirrors
  • Clean the toilets
  • Use a microfibre cloth with a mix of warm water/vinegar to give a quick wipedown of all surfaces, including doorknobs and light switches
  • Wipe dust off of the trim
  • Get rid of any expired items in the fridge and give it a good wipe-down
Every 6 months
  • Declutter! Go through toy baskets, bookshelves, storage bins, and closets, and donate or sell any items you no longer need. Consistently decluttering goes a long way in supporting an easy cleaning routine.


How can I adopt a minimalist cleaning routine for physical accessibility needs?

If you have physical limitations, here are some adaptations to help make an easy cleaning routine:

  • Consider ergonomic tools that are easy to handle, such as lightweight vacuums or mops with adjustable handles
  • Organise your cleaning supplies within easy reach and focus on simple, less physically demanding cleaning methods
  • Keep your home decluttered so you have fewer items to clean around

What are some minimalist cleaning tips for those with sensory sensitivities?

Sensory sensitivities can make it difficult to find an easy cleaning routine. It may require some experimentation to find what works for you, but the right tweaks can help you clean more comfortably.

Here are some sensory-friendly cleaning hacks I recommend for individuals with sensory sensitivities:

  • Use only unscented or naturally scented cleaning products (absolutely no artificial fragrances)
  • If you struggle with texture issues, wear gloves when cleaning
  • Choose tools that operate quietly, such as using a broom instead of a vacuum
  • Wear headphones when vacuuming
  • Research silent vacuum cleaners to help decrease stimulation
  • If you react to harsh cleaners, learn more about eco-friendly cleaning tips and products
  • Opt for natural cleaners such as lemon juice, baking soda, or vinegar (you can learn about my love of vinegar as a natural cleaner in my post about 15 Ways to Clean Your Home with Vinegar)

Can a minimalist cleaning routine be managed with limited mobility?

Yes, a minimalist cleaning routine can be tailored for individuals with limited mobility. Focus on maintaining a clutter-free environment to ensure easy movement.

It can also be helpful to:

  • Use extendable tools to easily reach high or low areas
  • Incorporate sit down breaks into your cleaning to make the process more manageable.
  • Set a timer and clean in small chunks rather than trying to tackle everything at once
  • Use a robotic vacuum to cut down on the need to physically clean your floors
  • Look into the newer washer/dryer combos that wash and dry clothes all at once so you skip the step of needing to transfer clothes out of the washer and into the dryer

What visual aids can assist in a minimalist cleaning routine?

Here are some recommendations for an easy cleaning routine for individuals with visual impairments:

  • Use visual aids such as large-print labels for cleaning products
  • Use colour-coded cleaning clothes
  • Keep your cleaning supplies well organised and use a consistent layout to make it easy to identify your cleaning tools

How can technology assist in a minimalist cleaning routine for those with disabilities?

If you want to take advantage of technology for your minimalist cleaning routine, here are some high-tech cleaning gadgets I’ve found:

  • Technology such as voice-activated assistants that can help in setting reminders for cleaning schedules
  • Robotic vacuum cleaners
  • A self-cleaning litter box if you have a cat
  • An air purifier
  • A robot mop
  • A toilet bowl cleaning system

Are there minimalist cleaning strategies for individuals with cognitive impairments?

For individuals with cognitive impairments, a structured and predictable cleaning routine can be beneficial. Using simple, step-by-step cleaning checklists or visual schedules can provide clarity and consistency in the cleaning process.

Leave the Cleaning to Our Experts at Pristine Housekeeping

Pristine team behind a kitchen island with Becky in front

I hope you found my easy house cleaning routine helpful and inspiring! A few minutes of cleaning every day goes a long way in keeping a house clean with minimal effort.

By staying on top of daily cleaning tasks, it prevents messes from building up and becoming overwhelming.

Of course, if you prefer the benefits of a professional cleaning service, our expert cleaners can help!

Whether you follow an easy cleaning routine and simply want occasional help with deep cleaning services or want more frequent housekeeping services, we can tailor a cleaning solution that fits your needs, budget, and lifestyle.

Contact our team of professional Perth cleaners and we’ll work with you to find the cleaning services that are right for you. You can reach us by phone, email, or fill out our online contact form.

Founder & Director
In 2003, Becky started her own cleaning business based in western suburbs of Perth. With 20 years’ experience, she understands that cleaning is not just about scrubbing bathrooms and washing floors. Cleaning is more holistic than that, it encompasses routine and time management along with excellent customer service and reliability.